Friday, March 16, 2012

Reflection on EDU 411

I cannot believe that this quarter is already finished; it really does seem just like yesterday that we were all struggling with just setting up this blog.  I am so proud of the way we all were able to persevere and conquer the "blog beast".  I actually enjoy writing to you all through here and reading the comments that come back.  I want to especially thank Wendy Mercy and Patty Ingram; you both responded to all of the my blogs and many of our discussion posts.  You both provided ideas that your centers use to gain parent engagement and I found that I could share some of those with my Family Service Worker for us as well.  I also appreciate the positive words of support for what I have been doing with my students; it is nice to be recognized for caring and really wanting the best for the children in my community.

I look forward to sharing with you all next quarter, our last, in EDU 412.  I am getting so excited to be done and have that degree in hand.  I know how hard we have all worked and the sacrifices we have made with our time and energies.  My hope is that even when the courses are done and we are back to our families again; that we can still check in with each other once in awhile and see the gains we have achieved with our accomplishment; I plan to continue my blog after this course.

Good luck to you all and see you in a few weeks.